Class Act
On April 16, 2008 we got a bundle of questions and quotations answered in class that day. The idea that I had contributed with the class is that, stealing music, movies, video games and other stuff is all illegal and we could get fined if we get caught, but we still do it because we want an adrenalin rush. People in real life and people in the book, Persepolis, do it too, so that they can feel alive. Later, Fion brought up an idea that you need guards or enforcers to enforce a law and without them, no one will be following the rules. Relating to this idea I brought up an idea that last year, the teachers told us to go outside at lunch and play. Most of us refused because this law was not enforced properly or that we did not feel like going outside. So this year, the teachers had enforced the idea of going outside at lunch and playing. With this “law” being enforced, most of us gave in and went outside to play, but then there were some of us who still refused to go outside and play.
Again, this relates to the previous statement that I had made in class about people wanting an adrenalin rush and also it some what relates to 1984 and how there were still some brave souls that had refused to go outside which is almost the same thing as Winston and Julia who had refused to listen to Big Brother and the Party.
Kevin: Was wondering about how everyone is looking at each other in a circle on the cover of the book. Something that really stood out is that Uncle Anoosh was the only person who was staring outside of the bubble and looking at bigger Marjane. This is like one of Aaron’s Blog posts where he is talking about, breaking the fourth wall. Mr. McG. had an idea that what if everyone in the bubble were foils to each other. Ex. Uncle Anoosh had to escape for a while, just like Marjane had to escape to Austria.
Denitza: Had an idea that the size of the panels represented time. Thin and short panels represent progression of time is fast while, big and wide panels represent progression of time is slow.
Words to Remember
Catharsis= When you see a tragedy happening to someone else, you feel better about yourself because your life is better.
Hubris= Excessive pride or defiance towards someone.
Nice work Manny. I'd revisit your definition of Hubris, but your personal approach to ideas of justice, crime and human nature are relevant and insightful.